Public Private Partnership Office
Notice Board

Government Policy

Bangladesh Public-Private Partnership (Amendment) Act, 2023

Download PDF | 95 KB

Policy for Implementing PPP Projects through Government to Government (G2G) Partnership, 2017 (Amendment)

Download PDF | 330 KB

Guidelines for Contractual Employment in PPP Authority, 2018

Download PDF | 888 KB

Rules for Public-Private Partnership Technical Assistance Financing, 2018

Download PDF | 312 KB

Rules for Viability Gap Financing for Public-Private Partnership Projects, 2018

Download PDF | 488 KB

National Priority Project Rules, 2018

Download PDF | 120 KB

Guidelines for Unsolicited Proposals, 2018

Download PDF | 468 KB

Procurement Guideline for PPP Projects, 2018

Download PDF | 455 KB

Policy for Implementing PPP Projects through Government to Government (G2G) Partnership, 2017

Download PDF | 208 KB

Procurement Guideline for PPP Projects, 2016 and Guidelines for Unsolicited Proposals, 2016*

Download PDF | 476 KB

* Repealed and Replace by Procurement Guideline for PPP Projects, 2018 and Guidelines for Unsolicited Proposals, 2018

PPP Law, 2015

Download PDF | 172 KB

Guideline for VGF for PPP Project, 2012

Download PDF | 1.17 MB

Guideline for PPPTAF 2012 & Scheme for PPPTAF, 2012

Download PDF | 920 KB

Policy and Strategy for Public-Private Partnership (PPP), 2010*

Download PDF | 131 KB

* Repealed and Replace by PPP Law, 2015

Chief Executive Officer (Secretary)
Event Highlights 2024
  • The PPP Authority signed an agreement with the IFC for providing Transaction Advisory Services

    Date: 10 June 2024

  • PPP Authority proudly participated in the Asia Infrastructure Forum (AIF) 2024

    Date: 4-5 June 2024

  • The PPP Authority conducted a day-long training session module: Orientation on Public-Private Partnership in the Agriculture Sector

    Date: 9 May 2024

  • A meeting was held with representatives of The World Bank Group

    Date: 8 May 2024

  • CEO of the PPP Authority, delivered a lecture on "The Contribution of Public and Private Sectors to the Bangladesh Economy: Prospects of PPP", as a guest speaker for the National Defence Course.

    Date: 25 April 2024

  • A meeting was held with the Delegation of the European Union

    Date: 23 April 2024

  • The PPP Authority and World Bank jointly organised a day-long workshop on "PPP Capacity Building"

    Date: 17 April 2024

  • PPP Authority has signed an MOU with the Government of Dubai

    Date: 4 April 2024

  • The 6th Joint PPP Platform Meeting between Bangladesh and Japan convened

    Date: 18 March 2024

  • Bangladesh-Japan Project Progress Review Meeting

    Date: 18 March 2024

  • A Stakeholder Consultation Meeting was held for the project "Improvement of Dhaka (Joydebpur)-Mymensingh Highway (N3) into an Expressway with service lanes on both sides through PPP"

    Date: 28 February 2024

  • The PPP Authority organized a daylong workshop titled "Identifying Potential Port PPP’s in Bangladesh"

    Date: 18 February 2024

  • The PPP Authority and District Administration, Rangpur jointly organized a daylong workshop titled "Scope of Small-Scale PPP Projects at the Local Level in Bangladesh"

    Date: 13 February 2024

  • A meeting was held with representatives of the World Bank Group

    Date: 8 February 2024

  • A meeting was held with the delegation from the Embassy of France

    Date: 6 February 2024

  • Workshop on "Engagement of Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions in PPP Projects Financing"

    Date: 5 February 2024

  • The first G2G PPP Platform meeting between Bangladesh and Denmark took place on 3rd January 2024 in Dhaka.

    Date: 3 January 2024

PPP Law, 2015
PPP Screening Manual